

United Methodist Groups

 United Women of Faith

Our purpose: “The organized unit of United  Women of Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission though participation in the global ministries of the church.”  Our United Women of Faith (UWF) focuses on mission in our local community, our state, country, and the world.

We meet as a unit on the first Wednesday of May, September and December at 5 p.m. for business, 5:45 for a meal followed by a program.

United Methodist Men’s Club

The Aitkin United Methodist Men’s Group was formed in November of 2011 for the purposes of encouraging and supporting the spiritual growth of its members and others, conducting and promoting service projects, and to provide fellowship opportunities for its members. 

Regular meetings are held monthly on the 1st Thursday of each month, at 7:00 P:M, in the Church Fellowship Hall.

Light of Jesus Ministry

Light of Jesus is a Special Needs, special situation ministry.

Circle Groups

Rebecca Circle

Rebecca Circle meets at 9:30 am the second Thursday of each month at the fellowship hall at our church.  We occasionally will meet at a members home, nursing home or local restaurant and we have a picnic meeting in the spring.  Our meetings consists of a reading from The Upper Room publication, fellowship, outreach to shut-ins and following The United Methodist Women’s guidelines.

Wesleyan Circle

The Wesleyan Circle is a group of women that meets monthly for a time of fellowship.  This group of women take on the responsibility of leading our annual bazaar, fundraising activities, and engaging in local missions.   They meet the second Tuesday of each month in the church fellowship hall at 7:00 P.M. They do not meet during the summer months of June, July or August.

Small Groups

Wednesday Bible Study

This Bible Study has been meeting for well over 40 years.  Over the years new members have been welcomed in.  All are welcome to attend.  The group gathers at 8:00 am on Wednesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall of Aitkin United Methodist Church. Participants take turns hosting a light breakfast. 

Bible & Brew

                                              Bible & Brew is currently on a hiatus.  





                        Youth group meets every other Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.   

                                       Any youth is invited to join the group.  

Aitkin United Methodist Church

104 2nd St NW, Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone: (218) 927-3242
