Dawn Houser
State University of New York – B.S. Degree in Business Management
Northwest Technical College – A.A.S Degree in Accounting
Motley United Methodist Church – Coordinator of Children, Families and Youth
Nashwauk and Pengilly United Methodist Church – Pastor
Emily United Methodist Church – Pastor
I appreciate the mission of the United Methodist Church, “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” It is this mission statement that embodies the great commission. My vision of the church is to embrace this mission statement and make disciples. When we make disciples of Jesus Christ we are growing the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual Gifts
– I have taken a number of Spiritual Gifts Inventories. My most recent spiritual gifts inventory indicated that my top five spiritual gifts are faith, shepherding, leadership, administration, and apostleship, respectively. Some of my higher ranking spiritual gifts are giving, exhortation, serving and prophecy.
Leadership Assessment
– I have taken a number of “leadership skills assessment”. In the Myers-Briggs Assessment I am listed as an INJT, introverted intuitive thinking judging personality type. In the StrengthsFinder Assessment my top five Clifton StrengthsFinder Themes are in the executing column consistency, in the relationship column harmony and empathy and in the strategic thinking column input and learner. As we look at the Enneagram I am solidly an 8.
All of these tests are great indicators, but what is most important to me with regard to my spiritual gifts and leadership skills is my work and life experience. Ministry is a second career for me. Prior to ministry I was the Executive Director of a large state-wide non-profit organization with over 300,000 members and a very large budget. I was engaged in administrative functions of the association but also grass roots organizing, and legislative work. I began my career life as a manager of 6 different business entities under the umbrella of one non-profit organization, located on the largest U.S. Coast Guard Base in the world, at the time. Many of the skills I have acquired during this work experience have transferred into ministry quit well. God truly prepared me for ministry by placing me in positions where I could learn so many skills to use in the building of his kingdom.
I look forward to working with congregations that are willing to reach out into the broken and hurting community around them. Although I support and am thankful that we have missionaries who leave the security of the United States to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, I am very aware that the community just outside the door of the local church needs our attention. There are many who we are in contact with who don’t have any idea who Jesus really is and what joy it is to be in relationship with him and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The way in which we do ministry today is very different than the way we once did it. I look forward to working Aitkin United Methodist Church.
I enjoy being outside and marvel at Gods creation all around us. I spend time with Dani scrapbooking, sewing, and shopping (I like to window shop). Spending time with family and friends is very important to me. We have hosted many foreign exchange students over the years so have family and friends all around the world. Many of whom live in Southeast Asia. For this reason I am an avid Facebooker. I love electronics and gadgets and I am an avid reader. Where I find the most enjoyment is sitting at the beach or on a boat. I grew up sailing on the great lakes. I spent most of my early childhood years living in the Tawas Point Lighthouse in East Tawas, Michigan. My adoptive father was a chief in the United States Coast Guard and the lighthouse keeper. I also enjoy kayaking, snowshoeing and hiking.

Dawn Houser
Aitkin United Methodist Church
104 2nd St NW, Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone: (218) 927-3242
Email: aumc@aitkinunitedmethodist.org