Aitkin United Methodist Church 

Plan to Restart Services

May 18, 2020

 The greatest commandment says, “…Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) By following guidelines and a plan, we are demonstrating the greatest commandment.  We are loving our neighbor because we are protecting them.

 It is to be understood that all these phases will be dependent upon the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, the Minnesota Department of Health and Aitkin County Health and Human Services.  Further, it is to be understood that we may begin to move through these phases only to have covid-19 flare up.  At that point, we may have to either completely shut down and/or move back a previous phase. 


  1. Whenever people gather in person, social distancing guidelines must be followed.
  2. Please keep six feet of distance between one another. (Unless you are members of the same household.)
  3. Wash your hands often with warm water and soap for 20 seconds. (Pray the Lord’s Prayer twice)
  4. Please use hand sanitizer when you are not able to wash your hands. (Hand sanitizing stations will be mounted on the walls in strategic places throughout the building.)
  5. We strongly encourage wearing a mask when in the building.
  6. Masks will be provided if someone is in need.
  7. Please clean surfaces that have been used with a clean cloth and disinfecting cleaner.
  8. Hand Sanitizing stations will be provided at the east entrance, as you enter the sanctuary and fellowship hall and at the northwest entrance.
  9. Signage will be placed in strategic place within the building, reminding people to keep six feet of distance between them an another person.


  1. The entire building will be steam sanitized everyday that it is in use.
  2. Bleach spray / Lysol spray will be provided in meeting spaces / surfaces. After use, the area used will be sprayed and wiped clean.
  3. All door handles, railings, high traffic areas, where areas are touched by hands, will be wiped down with antibacterial cleaning supplies daily.
  4. Antibacterial soap will be provided in all bathrooms.
  5. Disposable paper towels will be provided in bathrooms.
  6. The usual everyday cleaning will take place.
  7. Hand Sanitizer stations will be installed by the east entrance, northwest entrance, at the entrance of the fellowship hall and when entering the sanctuary.
  8. Touch Free trash cans will be provided in upstairs bathrooms.


Most of the outside groups that we offer space to are connected to larger agencies.  These agencies have sanitizing protocols that must be followed when people gather.  It is our expectation that the groups utilizing our building, would adhere to all protocols of their own organization.  In addition to their own protocols, we would ask that they follow our protocols as well.  Most of these protocols will be overlapping.  We will also make available to these groups sanitizing materials and products, such as our fogging machine and the sanitizer that is to be used for fogging.  Prior to the group utilizing the building, Pastor Dawn or a Trustee will train the leader of the group, and anyone else they would like trained, on how to properly sanitize and the proper use of the fogger.


Phase I can begin at any time.  The Center for Disease Control and the MN Department of Health has maintained that groups of 10 or less can gather, so long as the people present, practice social distancing.  Those who are vulnerable will be encouraged to stay safe, by staying home.  All online platforms will continue.

  1. Small groups of 10 or less will begin gathering in person for meetings, ie. Leadership Team, Trustees, Simply Pray, Bible Study, UMW, Men’s Club, etc. (These small gatherings could be made safer, if they were held outside in the churches yard or at another outdoor location. Weather permitting.)
  2. Worship Team will continue to record Worship Services.
  3. We will continue to include those who are uncomfortable in small groups, to participate through Blue Jeans.
  4. Drive-In Services can be conducted, with worship team leading outdoors. All present follow social distancing guidelines from MN Department of Health.
  5. Our new website will be a primary source of information, as well as congregational email.
  6. There will be no in-person fellowship time. (Fellowship could take place outdoors.)
  7. Traffic flow in the building and on stairwells. We have narrow hallways and stairs to get in and out of the sanctuary and fellowship hall.  We would ask that people wait at the top or bottom of those stairwells to allow one another to pass.  It is important that we maintain six feet of distance between one another.


Phase II can not begin until the MN Department of Health has determined it is safe for groups less than 50 to gather.  Social distancing guidelines must be followed.  Those who are vulnerable will be encouraged to stay safe, by staying home.  All online platforms will continue.

  1. Small groups of 25 or less can gather to worship on Sunday. (There could be multiple services offered and people would be asked to follow the social distancing guidelines.)
  2. Worship will look different than what we are accustomed to.
  3. The offering plate can not be passed. Baskets will be set out in strategic places in the sanctuary to collect offering.  We will encourage people to engage with online giving.
  4. Communion will not be offered by intinction. Individually sealed communion cups with wafers will be placed in a basket for people to pick up on their way into the worship service.  They will not be passed out.  Everyone will partake together at the same time from their seats.
  5. We will not be singing hymns.  We will invite soloists and small groups to share special music.  (singing broadcasts viruses, a further distance)
  6. Hymnal’s and pew books cannot be utilized.
  7. No Paper bulletins would be available. Everything would be on the screen at the front of the sanctuary.
  8. There can be no in-person fellowship time. Fellowship could take place outdoors, while practicing social distancing.
  9. Traffic flow in the building and on stairwells. We have narrow hallways and stairs to get in and out of the sanctuary and fellowship hall.  We would ask that people wait at the top or bottom of those stairwells to allow one another to pass.  It is important that we maintain six feet of distance between one another.
  10. Worship services will continue to be recorded and loaded to YouTube and Facebook.


Phase III will not begin until the MN Department of Health has determined it is safe to gather in groups of more than 100, while following social distancing guidelines. This probably will not occur until there is a vaccine for covid-19.  Those who are vulnerable will be encouraged to stay safe, by staying home.  All online platforms will continue.

 The full congregation will be invited to worship together.

  1. Worship will continue to be different.
  2. The offering plate cannot be passed. Baskets will be set out in strategic places in the sanctuary to collect offering.  People will be encouraged to engage with online giving.
  3. Communion will not be offered by intinction. Individually sealed communion cups with wafers will be placed in a basket for people to pick up on their way into the worship service.  They will not be passed out.  Everyone will partake together at the same time from their seats.
  4. We will sing a limited number of hymns.  On opening and ending.  We will invite soloists and small groups to share special music.
  5. Invite the choir to sing. (They must be able to practice social distancing.)
  6. Hymnal’s and pew books cannot be utilized.
  7. No Paper bulletins would be available. Everything would be on the screen at the front of the sanctuary.
  8. Fellowship time can resume after church. However, the hosting member will need to place food items on plates and pour coffee and juice.  They will follow the safe kitchen practices guidelines.  Wash hands before handling food, wear gloves when handling food, wipe down all surfaces with bleach water after use, wash and sanitize dishes through the dish washer, etc.
  9. If people are enjoying online fellowship, this would continue.
  10. Social distancing practices shall be adhered to.
  11. Traffic flow in building and on stairwells. We have narrow hallways and stairs to get in and out of the sanctuary and fellowship hall.  We would ask that people wait at the top or bottom of those stairwells to allow one another to pass.  It is important that we maintain six feet of distance between one another.
  12. Services will continue to be recorded and loaded to YouTube and Facebook.
  13. All groups / gatherings will be offered online in addition to in person, for those who are uncomfortable with returning to in person gathering.